What is SessionLimit

Scope: SessionLimit 2.0

SessionLimit tracks interactive and remote sessions made by users in Active Directory environments, and provides capabilities such as limiting the number of multiple sessions and logging in with 2FA.


Use SessionLimit to help you with the following security activities:

  • Tracks login and logout activities,

  • Limits the number of simultaneous sessions of users,

  • Provides 2FA login feature,

  • It can perform tasks such as restarting computers with remote actions and closing all user sessions centrally,

SessionLimit helps keep the system secure while performing the above mentioned operations.

  • Agent working on shared computers cannot be terminated, cannot be passed without giving identity information,

  • TOTP can be used with SMS and Authenticator software for 2FA logins

  • Communication between the agent and the server is carried out through secure (HTTPS, LDAPS, etc.) channels.

What's New

The following features have been introduced in SessionLimit 2.0 version.

  • Secure Login with Credential Provider,

  • 2FA login with enhanced Credential Provider,

  • Active Directory integrated,

  • Multi-Domain support is available,

  • It works with Microsoft SQL Server,

  • There is a built-in report,

  • Old records can be cleaned with Grooming,

Last updated