DNS Service Record for Agent Autodiscovery

Scope: SessionLimit 2.0

In order for agents to find the SessionLimit Server dynamically, a service record must be created on local DNS servers. This record must be created manually and added to the _tcp folder in the local domain zone.

  1. DNS management interface opens (dnsmgmt.msc),

  2. Active Directory Zone is expanded,

  3. Enter the _tcp folder,

  4. Click "Other New Record" from the Action menu or right-click menu.

  5. Select "Service Location (SRV)" from the window that opens and click "Create Record".

  6. On the "New Service Record" screen, information is filled in as follows.




Mandatory and cannot be change.



Mandatory and cannot be change.

Port Number




It is the server where the SessionLimit role is installed.

When more than one SessionLimit server is installed, this process is repeated for each server.

Last updated